Monday, August 11, 2008

Real Snappy

I'm on my way back with Nick, and we're in St. Louis, staying with his friend the Big Cat. John and Aaron should be picking me up in a few hours and then I'll be back in Lex! How I'm getting to Ashland is a bit more up in the air but *shrug* The important part is down.

I'll have a few more real (meaning: pictures) posts when I get back in...just wanted to keep everyone posted...ha-ha.

Bad puns = best ever.


Unknown said...

I had a good bad pun the other day! We were standing in Arlington waiting for the hearse to pull up so the bearers could load the casket onto the caisson that's pulled by horses and one of the horses took a dump and I said "I wonder who has to clean that up" and someone said "I don't know" and then I said "Whoever it is has a really shitty job" hahahahaha I'm awesome. Come to DC, it's boring here.

ammccomas said...

Well Aaron and I WERE going to have to drive from Toronto to the beach in NC, which would necessitate a stopover in DC....but my family is no longer going to be at the beach. Though I don't understand how it's boring? You've got the Ranj pretty soon.