Saturday morning I went on a hike with Chris, Robbie, Keara, and my family. Beforehand, though, we went to visit Donut Man, who gave me a birthday donut and kind of made my entire weekend:
It's like owning a picture of something legendary, like the Loch Ness Monster. Except he's the anti-scary.
At the trailhead I told my fellow CM-ers to go on ahead because I doubted the family would be used to the air. It's 4,000 feet higher here than in Kentucky and you can definitely tell when you're exercising. At some point Kelsey and I left the 'rents behind, and every once in a while we would stop to take silly pictures of each other and they would catch back up.
To sum up the hike, we hiked through a bunch of this until we got to the lake.
Now to commence with the silly pictures!
She did not like crossing this.
We got to the lake and ate lunch. Robbie jumped into the water only to proclaim that that was the worst idea he's had all summer because of the cold. And this is the guy who almost didn't bring a sleeping bag to Hyalite.
Then we came back and I got my present from my parents...Prada Iris! It's one of the only perfumes I've ever liked but it's really hard to find and pricey so I didn't own it. Hopefully it gets as much use as Prada Amber pour Homme does. Both of them are great because they smell amazing but it's very understated.
If you're curious...
Also, the manner in which it was presented was nice as well.
A tiny hat! How adorable!
We took naps after the hike, and then cleaned up to go out to Plonk to eat and get my first legal wine. I had a really good glass of Cabernet, dad got the house wine (Merlot I think), and then because it was my birthday they gave me a free glass of champagne too. The fact that it was birthday bubbly was cool but I'm still way more a fan of wine.
Me and Kels at dinner. My hair's got that blond spot because I was bleaching it out for a later addition of blue.
I think everyone liked their food, and dad said he had the best salmon he's ever had (I tried some and have to agree). We got the chocolate board for dessert! Afterwards we went to the co-op because they still hadn't been and I talk about it all the time. It's so much better than Lexington's, and in a more convenient location to boot.
Right after I got back to the dorms Chris called and said that he and Nick had decided that I had to buy the Carlo for that night's Carlo Challenge.
Storytime: Once each year for reasons unknown to me, Nick and his roommate at Grinnell complete the Carlo Challenge. This entails buying the 4-liter jug of Carlo Rossi wine and then splitting it between the two without going to jail or dying by the end of the night. Nick has some really good Carlo Challenge stories, and I guess since I was so amused by it, he announced that he would do one for my 21st birthday - at this point Chris chimed in that he would be the other guy and the deal was sealed. They've spent the past week dreading my birthday night, for good reason.
Anyhow, they decided that I should be the one to purchase it. Kelsey had brought up my Sheik costume (Sheik's the super-amazing ambiguously-gendered-ninja-Sheikah guy from Zegend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time...
...and also my Halloween costume every year. Hand-made and sewn!) so I decided to add to the ridiculousness and frustrate the cashier by wearing that to Safeway. We got soooo many looks.
She forgot to bring the turban and arm wraps, but that's cool.
The guys picking their poison.
Chosen! Carlo Rossi Chianti it was. Those poor souls. Eric and I agreed to be handicaps if it came to that, but they never really took us up on it.
They were not happy about this before it even started - Chris's huge grin in this initial "toast" picture is all sarcasm, while Nick's just being blunt as usual.
So for a while it was uneventful and we talked, sat around....looked at physics-related things on Chris's computer because we're nerds...
Doing okay and not much to go...
More sitting around, but louder.
Eric senses that our handicap services aren't needed and busts out some beer instead. About this time I decide to take a glass just to mitigate the damage done to Nick and Chris...'cause that stuff's nasty. I'm not sure why they would agree to something like that if they knew what it tasted like.
The end of Carlo!!!
Right after this Chris threw up and then was good for the rest of the evening. Then they decided to destroy the jar (which was super-fun to clean up) while announcing that they'd killed Carlo. Jenna went to bed, and the rest of us decided to visit our nemesis, the sprinklers. Frolicking, getting soaked, yelling at sprinklers for being dumb, somehow not getting written up or running into anyone happened...and then Chris decided it'd be fun to toss me into the sprinkler. I got away and Nick picked up (literally) where Chris left off, then Chris wanted in on it too, and somewhere in the chaos the entire pile of people fell. Unfortunately for me, I got to watch as the sidewalk - you know...where the sprinklers spray - came closer and closer...and my face collided with the concrete.
I stood up and blood was everywhere, and the guys absolutely started flipping out. However, the sheer volume of flipping-out-ness made me laugh hysterically, so then they flipped out even more because they thought I'd hit my head too was a vicious cycle. We somehow got back to Roskie and to a bathroom without running into anyone.
Current damage:
I figured I'd put that before these pictures, because it looks like I'm dying even though I'm laughing (which was making them laugh). So see, I'm fine! Just some swelling/scabbing/etc.
This is my new favorite picture in the universe. The next one is the worst picture of me ever taken, though. Aaron says that it looks like I "got into the best drunken knife fight ever," and I have to agree. (It looks like I'm in a lot of pain but it wasn't that bad...just a terrible photo.)
They still haven't stopped apologizing, and it's a little obnoxious. And kind of cute.
No one came into the bathroom during this time, which was good, because we were all covered in blood. Both of their pants have blood all down the front. Mine were unscathed, curiously enough. You'll notice that after this photo Nick disappears. He went to the toilet and pretty much didn't leave all night.
Eric would've been helping out too but I told him that he should just take pictures, and now we're all very glad because they're hilarious.
Putting on my band-aid.
After this Chris and Eric put me to bed (I was quite capable of doing so but they were being all brotherly and insisting that they care for me) in one of the spare beds and then left to tend to Nick, a much more grueling task.
I woke up at nine and met my parents for breakfast before they left. We were going to go to Cateye Cafe but didn't think we'd have enough time, so instead we went to Daily Coffee which is my favorite in Bozeman! We got all huggy and then they took off.
I was on the computer a while, then woke up Chris and we decided to get some donuts for everyone. We got Ben and Jenna to go and by the time we came back Nick was banging on doors looking for everyone. He was really, really happy that we'd gotten some Maple Bars for him. We relived the previous evening until we were all almost crying from laughing, Ben expressed his sadness at not being around for the antics, and Eric then pulled out his computer and showed us the pictures above. Eric, Nick and I thought they were hilarious (I'm pretty sure Nick was still kind of tipsy). While he laughed at the time, I'm pretty sure they bummed Chris out, and profuse apologizing resumed from both him and Nick.
Nick went back to bed and the rest of the day was devoted to chilling out. I finished with the hair dying, and in the evening we all got dressed up for Bowties and Sundresses Croquet.
Nick has a lot of bowties to choose from. Our enemy the sprinklers had made the grass a little cold and wet too, not great for barefootedness.
Guys looking dapper.
Playing in the field.
You can see the blue in my hair in this one.
This one's my favorite. It looks like a band photo.
After this Nick decided that food would be good, and we went to Perkins all dressed up.
I think your 21st out did mine. All I did was throw up on chicken tenders and yell at people.
For a minute there I thought you said "throw chicken tenders" and I almost got my breakfast all over the computer screen.
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